Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Blog Beginner! kekeke


This is my first blog (as you can see) hehe. I decided to make one because I thought it'd be great to express my views on certain situations and share my life with people - I'll probably do the occasional product review too :) Bleugh I'm finding this first post so difficult to write, as I'm not used to writing into the void, like a diary T_T 
waaaaah why am I such a NOOB <----- well that was pretty cool (for me). 

Hmm, I'll just start off by introducing myself!

My name is Lily but my Cantonese name is Lum Lei Lei, so I thought, 'Hey, that sounds a lot nicer than Lily' :) Hence the name! Although, my Cantonese is pretttttty crap.
I've recently been reading blogs by people such as Xiaxue and Xiaorishu. They inspired me to start blogging...

WOAH my template (I digress) took me ages to get a hang of, it's so frickin' fidgety and I don't know the tricks and stuff. 
I'm pretty sure that I'm going to ease into blogging and hopefully get a few readers ;) AHH SO EXCITING ~ 
Ew I'm so annoying... hurhurhur
I've got exams edging close and I've made myself a blog *facepalm* SO STUPID. Oh well, people will get to read me battling the pain of stuffing loads of information into my MIND because I have no sense of organisation in my life O.O It's true!
I was just looking for an image of myself to load when I suddenly came across a document called 'Black Power' in my vanity folder.... uhhh, is someone trying to tell me something?

Man this looks boring without pictures.

Anyways, I think that's all for tonight because it's 11.50pm(!!!!!!!) AYA
This first blog was pretty much all over the place  (-.-) I'll do better next time, I PROMISE.
DON'T LEEEEEAVE MEEEE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jeez okay, short and sweet, haha GOODNIGHT!           

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