Tuesday 12 June 2012

Super bored post... EXO K!

As you can tell from the title, I'm super freaking bored (at 3am). This is ridiculous, I should be sleeping.

 I've become super depressed recently because I keep thinking about my family and how broken it is, I wonder if people ever think this way too. My guess is yes, there are loads of people. Occassionally, I can't get to sleep because of this so I try and force my mind to shut down but I end up thinking about situations more and have a panic attack so I have to talk to someone, be it by phone or online. I am a seriously dependent person.

WHY AM I SO EMOTIONAL all the time?

I think I just need a hobby or I need to work more, but I'm just too lazy... So ultimately, I'm all to blame T_T oh well

BTW, my friend and I have got tickets to see the MBC festival in london! Exo K and 4minute will be there! I think the other people were called Norazo or something, I haven't really heard of them but I searched them up on YouTube and listened to some of their songs... They're pretty funny and they sound good, that's all that counts right? Haha.
The date of this is going to be  between my exams so I'm a bit worried :S but who can help that now? I don't really mind that I didn't get front row seats for this concert/festival because they aren't my favourite band. As long as I can see them, I'm happy.

My favourite Exo K member is:
It's because of his curly hair haha ^_^ so bouncy. And he has a pretty deep, crazy voice (he's a rapper)
There's another picture I have but I'm not sure if it's of him because all the members look alike (NO RACIAL). I'm getting tired, maybe I'll write the post tomorrow... Although I need to revise because I have more exams in 6 DAYS, OH MY LORD.

Ciao4now, Lily 

p.s. I want a job at Muji, they have a 3month contract for the olympics but I'm away for the         whole last month :'( 
       WHY ME??!?!??!£r?!??!?£?! I REALLY WANT THIS JOB.

p.p.s. That may have been irrelevant to this blogpost but WHO CARES, IT'S MY BLOG >:) 

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Nearing the end.


I can't deal with this, in every lesson I cry because the teacher tells us how much they'll miss us...
My friends and I made a card for our Graphics teacher and he already said so many nice things that we couldn't face him, so we just left his card and photo on his desk for when he arrives tomorrow - it'll be a nice surprise.
 I can't handle this. I think I might just faint.
Thank God I can vent on here, phewww.
Our geography teacher did the same for us too but I'm seeing him next year anyways so I don't really care haha.
And OH MY GOD, MY ENGLISH TEACHER IS THE LOVELIEST LADY EVER. She made brownies for us and brought in the tray :( we ate it all and -
SHE SAID SHE'S GOING TO MISS SAYING MY NAME AND GOOD LUCK ETC, this literally made me burst out into tears, I felt like I was going to die.
Everyone in my school is extremely lovely (apart from some exceptions, haha) I'm going to hate leaving forever in 2 years. 
Nuuuuu I have to face my last lesson with my extremely lovely spanish teacher tomorrow. I must remember not to wear makeup... hahaha
At least I have prom to look forward to? :( I don't want to grow up

I must do work (at 12am...)


Looking back on this post, I sound really clingy and strange... BAHAHAHA I was emotional, okay?

Sunday 6 May 2012

A Craving for Clothes

The title is pretty self explanatory.
I've become so obsessed with clothes in the past 2 years, and I used to laugh at those that drooled over the latest trends... I'M A HYPOCRITE AAAAH. PASTEL OVERLOAD TIME.
I am so in love with this dress from a korean store, I don't know where they ship to yet so I can't buy it :( IT'S SO PRETTY. Pastels are trending this summer and I can see why. So cute and innocent waah.

Another cute minty piece from New Look, this is from the teenage section so it's cheaper hehe ;D Loving this colour on everything.

I've been looking at shoes to suit my black dress for prom, obviously these Zara shoes wouldn't match but I want them anyways. Look at that heel and the colour and finish... mmmmm yum

Another pair of Zara shoes, these might be a bit more suitable but I truely hate peep toe shoes -.- LOVE ankle straps though, so I'm a bit unsure.

This is just a dress I went past when I was looking for a prom dress. Cute right? It has a large scoops at the back, which is a nice touch I guess haha.

Really needing a pair of trousers like this, I love them! Looks like a nice fit and the colour is yummy. MUST HAVE.

I was looking for open shoulder tops and came across this, quite cheap and kinda cute because of the cut and colour. Coral is a nice colour to start wearing for summer - so fruity!

Aww, this has sold out now but It's adorable, I had to put it up on here... Pastel colours are so pretty, more people should wear these kind of colours.

I have an art exam on thursday and friday so I have to go out and buy some materials -.- while I look like such a BOOB. 
Farewell! x

Thursday 26 April 2012

Psychotic people, and exams -.- aish


Last night...

was one of the scariest nights I've experienced/witnessed in a while. I totally fell asleep at a reasonable time last night when SUDDENLY I hear a drunkard shouting 'LET ME IN, WANKERS!'. Now, this carried on for probably half an hour, knocking on someone's door and just being terrifying. IT WAS 2.30 AM FOR GOD SAKE, I just crawled up in bed shivering at the thought of them knocking on my door next D: but he wouldn't haha, I have a baseball bat ;D 
Okay so, after enduring the nonsense for so long, I started considering calling the police. STRAIGHT after I was about to, I hear sirens edging towards my tiny little street (not a euphamism, keke) - I was so happy. I love when the justice system takes charge - it enlightens me (weirdo). I thought there were only going to be 2 police cars, but there ended up being 7 POLICE CARS, including one of those jail ones... you follow my drift? Watching this was so amazing, watching the police take action... so cool. There was a lot of jibber jabber when they started questioning the guy bla bla bla, and then they started to take him to the jail police car thing but he resisted so (on this very rainy night) the 2 policemen pushed him down onto the curb, in a puddle, inorder to arrest him. FUCK YEAH. I was literally punching the air with excitement. It all ended with chatter and laughter and then I got bored so I tried to drift back to sleep.

Now on to my spanish oral exam...

Jeez, I revised for 2 weeks to get this one right, as I embarrassingly received a U in this (UNGRADABLE). So, this was a retake. There was so much work inbetween this so it was difficult to fit memorising in. I learnt the last paragraph on the day of the exam (tut, tut, Lily). I WAS SO DAMN STRESSED you wouldn't believe it, as my teacher was asking me the questions, sweat dripped from my face onto my hands as I *facepalm*-ed every bloody time... I ended up forgetting some things but got a total of 24 out of 30. Not TOO shabby eh? Well, I'm asian so my mum will probably freak out :( at least I tried. I was so crazy afterwards that my teacher gave me a sweet to calm down (I like to act like a child...), It was raining outside but I was still boiling hot. 
Anyways that's it really. 
BY THE WAY! I'm going to China for a MONTH in August (JEEZUZ CHEEZUZ)
can't wait to buy loads of crap ^_^ but I don't wanna miss the Big Bang/ 2ne1 concert...

It's 12:10am so Ima sleep, PEACE!
p.s. I have a korean dance lesson on Saturday, so I'll write about that later.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Blog Beginner! kekeke


This is my first blog (as you can see) hehe. I decided to make one because I thought it'd be great to express my views on certain situations and share my life with people - I'll probably do the occasional product review too :) Bleugh I'm finding this first post so difficult to write, as I'm not used to writing into the void, like a diary T_T 
waaaaah why am I such a NOOB <----- well that was pretty cool (for me). 

Hmm, I'll just start off by introducing myself!

My name is Lily but my Cantonese name is Lum Lei Lei, so I thought, 'Hey, that sounds a lot nicer than Lily' :) Hence the name! Although, my Cantonese is pretttttty crap.
I've recently been reading blogs by people such as Xiaxue and Xiaorishu. They inspired me to start blogging...

WOAH my template (I digress) took me ages to get a hang of, it's so frickin' fidgety and I don't know the tricks and stuff. 
I'm pretty sure that I'm going to ease into blogging and hopefully get a few readers ;) AHH SO EXCITING ~ 
Ew I'm so annoying... hurhurhur
I've got exams edging close and I've made myself a blog *facepalm* SO STUPID. Oh well, people will get to read me battling the pain of stuffing loads of information into my MIND because I have no sense of organisation in my life O.O It's true!
I was just looking for an image of myself to load when I suddenly came across a document called 'Black Power' in my vanity folder.... uhhh, is someone trying to tell me something?

Man this looks boring without pictures.

Anyways, I think that's all for tonight because it's 11.50pm(!!!!!!!) AYA
This first blog was pretty much all over the place  (-.-) I'll do better next time, I PROMISE.
DON'T LEEEEEAVE MEEEE ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jeez okay, short and sweet, haha GOODNIGHT!